(本表不含95學年度之前的部分) ***本表尚未建置完成
Huang, C. T. 2009. 7. 20-23. An Effective Approach to Testing Communicative Competence of Language. 第十一届全國語用學研討會第五届中國語用學研究會年會暨2009年語用學及其應用研究國際學術研討會Wuhan University, China.
Ho, Cindy & C. T. Huang. 2008. Nov. 14. ETA, ROC.
Chang, Cindy & C. T. Huang. 2008. Nov. 14. ETA, ROC.
Huang, C. T. & Charlier, Phillip. 2008. Nov. The Wholeness in language testing. ETA, ROC. 2008. Nov. 16.
Li, J. F. & Huang, C. T. March 15, 2008. The Correlation between EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Size and Reading Performance in a Communication-oriented Language Proficiency Test. 2008 NCUE Third Annual Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation.
Huang, C. T. 2008.大學英語文檢定測驗之現況與前瞻。Panel Discussion. 2008 NCUE Third Annual Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation, and Interpretation.
2007. 8. -2008. 7. 全球英語檢定測驗(GET) B1(Threshold level)、B2 (Vantage level)預試研究計畫主持人。中華綜合發展研究院,全球英語檢定測驗中心。
2008.7- 2009.7. 全球英語檢定測驗(GET),全球小英語檢(GET Junior) , Get ready, Get Set, Go Levels預試研究計畫主持人。中華綜合發展研究院,全球英語檢定測驗中心。
黃春騰。2006.從比較語法的觀點來分析解說英譯中困難之所在。Spectrum Vol.1.140-159.
黃春騰。2008. 掌握中文之「主旨鏈」結構以避免使用英文化之中譯句子。Spectrum Vol.2.143-154.
Li, J. F. & Huang, C. T. The Correlation between EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Size and Reading Performance in a Communication-oriented Language Proficiency Test. Spectrum Vol. 3. (To be published in Dec. 2008)
因涉及個人隱私 從略
英語聽說教學之策略與技巧。第8061期國教輔導團英語學習領域輔導員進階培育班課程。國家教育研究院籌備處Aug 13, 2009
國中英語能力指標與試題編製原則。98.6.27 澎湖縣國中教學輔導團。
國中英語補救教學策略與實務。98.6.27. 澎湖縣國中教學輔導團。
Teaching and assessing communicative language under CEFR. 2009.3.19. 台北市私立德霖技術學院。
Bridging the gap between reading and writing in high school English teaching. 2009. 3.20. 建國科技大學語言中心暨應用外語系/台灣中區高中職教學策略聯盟。
Teaching and assessing communicative language under CEFR. 2009.3.15. 建國科技大學語言中心暨應用外語系/中華綜合發展研究院。
黃春騰。能與世界各國接軌的全球英語:CEF 與 GET 所界定的溝通式英語面向及其教學方式。97.4.11.國際英文證照檢定種子教師研習營。教育部中區英語教學資源中心/雲林科技大學。
Huang, C. T. 2008. 3. 26. Teaching ESL/EFL Students with Various Proficiency Levels. 嘉義縣97年國中英語學習領域國教輔導團增能研習。嘉義縣政府創新學院。
Huang, C. T. 2008. 4. 9. English Children’s Books in the Elementary EFL Classroom. 台中市96學年度國民中小學中外籍英語教師專業知能培訓研習。台中市政府。
Huang, C. T. 2008. 5. 16. 中外籍英語教師協同教學觀摩。台中市96學年度國民中小學中外籍英語教師專業知能培訓研習。台中市政府。
Huang,C.T. 2008.3.21-22. 第7021期英語試題編制原則與試題實作工作坊。國家教育研究院籌備處。
Huang, C.T. 2008.6.26. 苗栗縣九十七學年度國小英語嘉年華會評審。
Huang,C.T. 97 年7 月 1-2日九年一貫教育英語科試題編製與試題實作工作坊研習。南投縣輔導團。
Huang,C.T. 2008. 10.08. 嘉義縣,協同中學。To Create a Target Language Rich Environment & Cultivate Free-Voluntary Reading Learners.
Huang, C. T. 2008.10.22. 嘉義縣九年一貫輔導團中小學教師研習。教學活動設計示例。
2008. 11. 24. 學習型組織學校之特性與執行技巧:創造有利於學習之校園文化。嘉義縣,協同中學。
2008.12.05.Balancing intensive and extensive reading instructions in Senior High Schools.彰化縣高中職英文科教師研習。彰化女中。(Morning)
2008.12.05. 國中英語段考試題命題之技巧。南投縣國中英語教學輔導團。(Afternoon)
2009.3.7. How to coach students for English a speech contest.春霖文教基金會。台中縣大甲。
2008.8-2009.7. 彰化師大校務會議代表。
2008.9-2009.7. 彰化師大英語系系教評會代表。
2009.1-2010.12. 彰化師大校務基金經費稽核委員會委員。
2007.1-2008.12. 彰化師大校務基金管理委員會委員。
2008-2009. 97學年度彰化師大文學院經費稽查委員會委員。
2008/10/25 擔任南投縣97學年度九年一貫課程國中英語領域優良段考試題甄選 評審。
2008.10.27. 擔任嘉義市 教育處 舉辦優良教案比賽評審。嘉義市國中英語輔導團。
97年公務人員特種考試外交領事人員及國際新聞人員考試、97年公務人員特種考試國際經濟商務人員考試,第一試外語口試委員 (97.09.28)
考選部 97年專門職業及技術人員普通考試導遊人員、領隊人員考試語文組命題委員。97.3.15.
考選部 97年專門職業及技術人員普通考試導遊人員、領隊人員考試語文組口試委員。97.5.11.
2006-2007. 台灣英語文教學研究學會常務理事。
2007-2008. GET全球英語檢定測驗中心研究發展組召集人。中華綜合發展研究院。
2007-2008. 中華綜合發展研究院國際語言組課程委員會顧問。
2005-2006. 台灣英語文教學研究學會常務理事。
The part before Aug 1999
Huang, C.T., Liaw, M.L., Chern, C.L., & Chen, Kuntian. 1999. A Design of the English Reading Proficiency Assessment Model for High School Students in Taiwan (I). Taipei: College Entrance Examination Center.
Huang, C.T. 1998a. A Hangbook for High School Reading Instruction. Taipei: Ministry of Education.
Huang, C.T. 1998b. The Current Trend of, and Approaches to, EFL Teaching. In Series of Adult Education, Vol. 14, pp81-90. Changhua: National Changhua University of Education.
Huang, C.T. 1995a. An Application of Whole Language Approach in EFL Teaching. English Teaching Series, Vol. 1, pp1-16. Nantou: Department of Education, Taiwan Provincial Government.
Huang, C.T. 1995b. The Use of Sound Corresponding Rules Between Germanic and Indo-European Languages for English Word Building. Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 4, pp69-97. Changhua.
Huang, C.T. 1994. The Novajo Accentual System. Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 3, pp1-14. Changhua.
Huang, C.T. 1993a. Diachronic Aspects of Dative Constructions in English. Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 2, pp33-48. Changhua.
Huang, C.T. 1993b. A GB Approach to the Mandarin BA Construction. Studies in English Language and Literature, Vol. 2, pp49-100. Changhua.
Conference Papers:
Huang, C.T. 2000. The Effects of the National English Language Proficiency Assessment Policy on High School English Teaching (Invited paper). Regional Conference on English Language Teaching, hosted by Chien-Guo Institue of Technology. Changhua City. (Jan. 14).
Huang, C.T. 1999a. A Preliminary Study on the Failure of L1 Acquisition by Taiwanese Children. The Third Conference on Taiwan Language Studies. Taiwan Language Society. Hsinchu City, Taiwan. (Dec. 11).
Huang, C.T., Liaw, M.L., Chern, C.L., & Chen, K.T., 1999b. A Design of the English Reading Proficiency Assessment Model for High School Students in Taiwan (I). The Second International Conference on English Language Testing in Asia. Seoul, Korea. (Sept. 30-Oct.1).
Huang, C.T. 1999c. A Study on the Scheme of Graded English Reading Comprehension Test. In Conference on Graded English Proficiency Tests, pp 57-87. College Entrance Examination Center. Taipei. (May 12-13).
Huang, C.T. 1998a. Topic 1: Elementary School English Teachers’ Pre-Service Training. Topic 2: The Guidelines of the EFL Teaching Material Selection and Preparation for Elementary Schools. Symposium of Elementary School English Teaching, ROC. International Education Foundation, Taipei.
Huang, C.T. 1998b. A Study of Student-centered Senior High School English Reading Instruction. The Seventh International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Nov. 13-15. Taipei.
Huang, C.T. 1998c. The Meaning Beyond Words: The Acquisition of English Suprasegmental Features by EFL Learners. The First Symposium on the Cultivation of Bilinguals for the Asia-Pacific Operation Center. Changhua.
Huang, C.T. 1997. Factors for Successful EFL Learning: Aspects from the Processes of Children’s First Language Acquisition. Symposium of High School English Teaching, Taichung, Taiwan.
Huang, C.T. 1996. English Vocabulary Instruction: Theory and Practice. Nantou: Department of Education, Taiwan Provincial Government.
Huang, C.T. 1995. A Study on the Resources and Needs of High School English Teachers in Taiwan. Nantou: Department of Education, Taiwan Provincial Government.
Huang, C.T. 1994a. Bridging the Gap Between Inputs and Outputs: An Integrative EFL Teaching Method. The Third International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Nov. 18-20, Taipei.
Huang, C.T. 1994b. Grimm’s Law and Vernal’s Law Make It Easier to Learn English Words from Latin and Greek Elements. The Third International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Nov. 18-20, Taipei.
Research Grants:
1. 1999-2000. A Design of the English Reading Proficiency Assessment Model for High School Students in Taiwan (II). Funded by College Entrance Examination Center, Taiwan.
2. 1998-1999. A Design of the English Reading Proficiency Assessment Model for High School Students in Taiwan (I). Funded by College Entrance Examination Center, Taiwan.
3. 1995-1997. Guidelines for High School English Reading Teachers. Sponsored by Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
4. 1996-1997. An Experimental Study of Student-centered English Reading Instruction in High Schools. Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. NSC86-241-H018-002.
5. 1995-1996. A Study of the Teacher Training Curricula for High School English Teachers in Taiwan. Sponsored by National Science Council, Taiwan. NSC86-241-H018-006.
6. 1993-1994. A Study on the Formats and Contents of Teachers Manual of High School English Textbooks. Sponsored by National Institute for Compilation and Translation. (Member of the research team chaired by David S.D. Tzeng).
Huang, C.T. 1993. Topic-Prominence and Morphosyntactic Parameter in Chinese. MI: University Microfilm Inc.
Conferences attended (not including the ones his papers were presented) in the last two years:
1. 1999/12/4-5. Taichung. International Conference on ESL/EFL Literacies in the Asia-Pacific Region: Focusing on Primary and Secondary School Students. Tung Hai University, Taichung. (Session Chair).
2. 1999/11/11-13. Taipei. The Eight International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. ETA, ROC. Taipei.
3. 1999/10/20-24. Chiang Ma, Thailand. The Second English Language Teaching Scheme Contacts—East Asia Counties. Sponsored by The British Council.
4. 1999/6/19. Taipei. 1999 Conference on Languages and Linguistics in Taiwan.
5. 1999/6/5. National Conference on Applied English: Application of English for the 21st Century. Ming Chuan University, Tao Yuan Campus. (Moderator and Commentator).
6. 1999/5/22. The 16th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. Changhua City. (Conference Chair).
7. 1999/3/19-20. National Conference on Elementary School English Teaching. Ping-Tung Teachers’ College, Ping-Tung City. (Moderator).
8. 1998/3/21. Paisha Review National Conference on English Teaching and Learning. Changhua City. (Chair of Organizing Committee).
9. 1998/5/16. The 15th Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. (Moderator and Commentator).
10. 1997/12/20-21. On Teaching Methods and Materials for Junior High Schools. National Taiwan University (Conference site at Sitou, Nantou Couty).
Workshops conducted:
1999. Jul. 19-20. Sixteen hours workshops for junior high school English teachers. At Nei-Hu Junior High School, Taipei. Topics include: Theories of SLA, Computer and network supported English teaching, The current trends of EFL teaching, Communicative approach in EFL teaching, Principles for editing and selection of EFL teaching materials, and Resources and guidelines for EFL teachers to be self-improved and –advanced.
1998/7/3-7. Twelve hours workshops for elementary school English teachers in Chia-Yi City. At Yu-Ren Elementary School, Chia-Yi City. Topics include: English pronunciation improvement techniques for English teachers, How to use pictures for beginning EFL learners, Vocabulary and sentence pattern teaching in elementary schools, Grammar teaching in elementary schools.
Lectures given in the last two years:
1. 1999/12/19. (1) The Promotion of a Life-long learning Society. (2) The Trend of English Language Teaching/Learning in Taiwan. Speeches to the English teachers of Jiou-Kuo Tuan Community Services in central Taiwan, hosted by Jiou-Kuo Tuan (The Nation-Saving Society). Taichung City.
2. 1999/11/6. The Difficulties in Learning English Experienced by Most High School Students in Taiwan and the Solutions to them. Provincial Taichung Girl’s Senior High School. To 920 seniors and their teachers.
3. 1999/7/9. The Acquisition of Speech Accents by EFL Learners. Culture Center, Taichung City.
4. 1999/7/7. Concepts and Application of Small Group EFL Teaching. To English teachers from junior high schools in Taichung City at San-Guang Junior High School, Taichung City.
5. 1999/6/28. Teaching English Pronunciation to Junior High Students. Er-Chung Junior High School, San-Chung, Taipei County.
6. 1999/6/10. The Selection and Use of English Teaching Materials for Small Group Teaching. Yan Lin Junior High School, Changhua City.
7. 1999/6/8. What Parents and Teacher Can Do to Develop Children’s Leaning Potentials. Kindergarten, National Changhua University of Education.
8. 1999/6/5. To Improve English Listening Comprehension Through the Use of Mass Media. Nei-Hu Junior High School, Taipei.
9. 1999/6/3. Communicative Approach and the Solutions to the Problems of the New Textbooks for Junior High Schools. Yu-Ying Junior High School. Taichung City.
10. 1999/5/12. How to Develop Students’ Learning Potential. Provincial Bei-Gang Farming and Industrial Vocation High School. Yun-Lin County.
11. 1999/4/20. Children’s First and Second Language Acquisition. Kindergarten, National Changhua University of Education.
12. 1999/4/13. Junior High School Students’ Listening Ability Training: Materials and Techniques. Er-Lung Junior High School, Yun-Lin County.
13. 1999/3/12. Facing the Changes of College and High School Entrance Examinations: New Phases of English Teaching. Feng-He Senior High School, Tainan County.
14. 1999/3/10. English Teaching Techniques for Teaching Lower Achievers. Tsao-Tung Commercial and Industrial High School, Nan-Taou County.
15. 1999/2/26. A Design of an English Reading Instruction Program for Vocational High Schools. To Eng. Teachers of Taichung Industrial High School, at TIHI, Taichung City.
16. 1999/2/26. Hsin-Chuang Elementary School, Changhua. Parents’ Attitude and Support Toward Their Children’s English Leaning.
17. 1999/2/1. The Application of Communicative Approach to the New Textbooks. Ta-Yei Junior High School, Chia-Yi City.
18. 1999/1/14. The Application of Communicative Approach to the New Textbooks. Yu-Ying Junior High School, Taichung City.
19. 1999/1/26-29. To Improve Vocational High School Students’ English Oral Skills. At Wu-Fong, Hsin-Min, and Da-De vocational high schools, located at Taichung County, Taichung City, and Yun-Lin County.
20. 1999/1/11. Approaches and Materials in High School Reading Instruction. Provincial Keelung Girl’s Senior High School. Keelung City.
21. 1998/12/29. To Promote Junior High School Students’ English Listening Ability. Er-Lun Junior High School, Yun-Lin County.
22. 1998/12/17. English Oral Skill Teaching Activities for High School Teachers. Wen-Hua Senior High School, Taichung City.
23. 1998/12/11. Oral English Skill Training Techniques. Provincial Taichung Industrial High School, Taichung City.
24. 1998/12/3. The Trends of English Language Teaching and Learning in Taiwan. National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City.
25. 1998/11/26. Factors that make Successful Foreign Language Learners. Culture Center, Taichung City.
26. 1998/11/12. To Improve Junior High School Students’ Oral Skills. Chung-Hsin Junior High School, Nantou County.
27. 1998/6/11-12, 22/24. Topic 1: The Trends of EFL Teaching. Topic 2: English Teaching Methods and Materials for Vocational High School Students. Provincial Wu Feng Farming and Industrial Vocational High School, Taichung County; Private Da-De Industrial and Commercial Vocational High School, Yun-Lin County; Hsin-Min Commercial and Industrial Vocational High School, Taichung City.
28. 1998/6/10. Elementary School EFL Teaching Methods and Materials. Yu-Ren Elementary School, Chia-Yi City.
29. 1998/5/29. The Application of Communicative Teaching Approach to the New Textbooks for Junior High Schools. Nan-Gang Junior High School, Nan-Tou County.
30. 1998/5/27. How to Develop Children’s Language Learning Potentials. Hsin-Chuang Elementary School, Changhua.
31. 1998/5/6. Issues and Problems of EFL Teaching at Elementary Schools in Taiwan. Ren-Ai Elementary School, Taichung City.
32. 1998/4/23. How to Select Suitable Self-learning Materials for EFL Learners. Hsiou-Chuan Hospital, Changhua.
33. 1998/3/10-12. English Teaching Techniques for Lower Achievers of Vocational High School Students. Provincial Tsao-Tun Commercial and Industrial Vocational High School, Nantou County.
34. 1998/2/19. Developing Children’s Learning Potentials: To Pursue the All-winners Education. Chung-Shan Elementary School, Hsin-Chu County.
35. 1998/2/12. Assessment and Evaluation on High School Students’ English Reading Comprehension. Provincial Changua Girl’s Senior High School, Changhua City.
36. 1998/2/5. Effective EFL Teaching Techniques for Junior High School Teachers. Yu-Ying Junior High School, Taichung City.
37. 1998/1/21. To Create English Rich Environments for EFL Students. Pei-Yuan High School, Changhua.
Other Activities participated in the last two years:
1. 1993-Present. Rater for English composition and English-Chinese translation, Joint College Entrance Examination, Taiwan.
2. 1993-Present. Committee member, Evaluation and Examination Committee of the High School English Gifted Students. Ministry of Education.
3. 1998-1999. Committee member, Sub-Committee of Applied Foreign Language Departments, under the Committee of Overall Evaluations on Programs of Junior Colleges in Taiwan, Ministry of Education.
4. 1998-Present. Coordinator of the Curriculum Design Committee, Provincial Vocational High School English Teachers’ In-service Training Program.
5. 1999/11/25. Referee for English Speech Contest by Students of Middle and Senior High Schools in Taichung City. Chung-Chen Primary School, Taichung City.
6. 1999/5/13. Referee for English Speech Contest by Students of Technical and Vocational Junior Colleges in Taiwan. Nan-Tai Technical College, Tainan City.
7. 1999/4/20. Referee for English Speech Contest by High School Students. Fong-Yuan Elementary School, Taichung County.
8. 1999/3/24. Referee for English Speech Contest by High School and University Students in Changhua. Chang-Hsin Junior High School, Changhua City.
9. 1998/12/17. Referee for English Speech Contest for the finals, Annual National Senior High School English Speech Contest. National Kaohsiung Normal University. Kaohsiung.
10. 1998/12/5. Host and Referee. English Speech and Singing Contests by Children in Central Taiwan. National Changhua University of Education. Changhua City.
11. 1998/11/11. Referee for English Speech Contest for the finals, Annual National Contests of Languages in Taiwan. Municipal Nei-Hu Industrial High School, Taipei City.
12. 1998/11/5. Referee for Annual Senior High School Students’ English Speech Contest for the semi-finals. Provincial Taichung Second Senior High School, Taichung City.
13. 1998/10/12. Referee for English Speech Contests, Annual Contests on Languages. Chung-Hsing Junior High School, Nan-Tou County.
14. 1998/10/1-2. Referee for English Speech Contests, Annual Contests on Languages. Wen-Ya Elementary School, Taichung County.
15. 1998/10/7-9. Referee for English Speech Contests, Annual Contests on Languages. Chung-Cheng Elementary School, Taichung City.
16. 1998/7. Senior High School English Textbook Evaluator. National Institute for Compilation and Translation.
17. 1998/6/8-9. Committee Member of English Teacher Recruiting Committee, Provincial Dou-Liou Senior High School, Yun-Lin County.
18. 1998/4/30. Referee of English Speech Contest by Senior and Junior High Schools in Taichung County, Bei-Shi Junior High School, Taichung County.
19. 1998/3/21-4/10. Curriculum Designer and Team Leader of the Elementary School English Teachers’ Overseas Study Program. Taiwan Provincial Government Chang Ching Program for Best Teachers. University of South Australia. Adelaide, South Australia.
20. 1997-1998. Committee Member, The Examination Committee of the 3rd National English Proficiency Exam for Vocational High School Students.
21. 1997-1998. Committee Member, Examination Committee of the Academic Gifted High School Students in Taiwan Area.
22. 1996-1998. Honored Volunteer Speaker, Tsi-Hsiun Charity Foundations, Changhua Branch.
Linguistics Society of America, English Teachers Association, ROC, International Reading Association-Taiwan Branch, Linguistic Society of Taiwan, Taiwan Languages Society.
1998, honored trainer, Training the County’s Representatives for National High School Students’ English Speech Contests, won the Junior High Category Final Champion (National). Honored by Changhua County Government.
1990, North America Chinese Student Leaders Committee—representing the state of South Carolina.
1989, C.C. Royal Graduate Fellowship, University of South Carolina.
1986, University List, International Student Exchange Programs—selected to represent National Kaohsiung Normal University to study at the University of North Carolina for one year.